Caring for Yourself


“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”
– Unknown

Self-care is an important part of caring for others. It’s important for you to take time to renew, relax, and refresh. Time away from your responsibilities can make you a happier human being and, as a result, a more effective caregiver.

Self-Care Resources for Caregivers

Taking Care of YOU: Self-Care for Family Caregivers – The effects of caretaking on your mind and body, and how to take responsibility for your own well-being.

10 Ways to Care For Yourself When Caring For Loved Ones – Why taking time for yourself is the good kind of selfish, and how it benefits those you are caring for.

Caregiver stress: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself – Signs of caregiver stress, and how to handle it.

4 Self-Care Tips for Today’s Caregiver – Self-care strategies that help you maintain a balanced life.